"SKB West"
224022, Brest, Suvorov street, 96/1
Tel.: (+375 162) 52-37-59, 52-31-59
Fax: (+375 162) 52-31-59
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Leshkevich Ivan Vikentievich
Chief engineer
Chatsverkin Ihar Ilich
Deputy director in science and quality
Prokopovich Alexandr Mechislavovich
Supplies and sales engineer
Leonov Sergii Yurievich
Chief accountant:
Bobrova Liudmila Sergeyevna
Tel./fax: (+375 162) 52-34-58
Thematic department TO-11
Head of department
Yuzhikov Igor Alexandrovich
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Thematic department ТО-12
Head of department
Varanchuk Siarhei Ivanovich
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Authorized dealers on the territory of Russian Federation:
Limited Liability Company (OOO) "Vesta"
Moscow, 2nd Kozhevnichesky lane, 8, office 102
Tel./fax: 8 (495) 506-65-35, 8 (499) 235-66-04
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Private Joint-Stock Company (ZAO) "OKB SAPR"
Moscow, 2nd Kozhevnichesky lane, 8
Maidonov Vadim Valentinovich
Tel./fax: 8 (452) 69-12-51, 8 (495) 235-49-37